Monday, May 18, 2015

Back Into the Light

Started a blog about my journey of being an Animator of the Jr Youth Empowerment Program in my neighborhood about one week ago today, and was reflecting... I saved it as a draft but just read it now and deleted it... I'll begin again...

Today I begin my roll, once again, as an Animator of a Jr Youth Group. This time it will be in the Central Neighborhood of Minneapolis, MN; one of thousands of these groups throughout the world. My role is to befriend these 11-14 yr olds, to be there and help them as they channel their energies into helping themselves and their friends shed the lethargy of the society in which they live and move forward, empowered, capable and affluent in their perception of the world for sure, but and far more necessary- affluent in their perception in the qualities of the spirit.

How easy is that? Right? Well, it turns out that's not an easy answer from my experience... I could say "yes" or "no" or "it's been a challenging role for me to adapt too" or "I've seen it be really an easy role for others" or simply "it's different for everyone"... but thing is it's so much more than any of that.

I remember being that age 11-14... turns out, these years are amazing for some and for those who have some way to channel all that new energy, all that knew knowledge into something that's not just "positive" or "useful" but something that FULFILLS their life's purpose of serving humanity around them,

Friday, March 22, 2013

From You & Me To Community: Confidence 101

I am often meeting new individuals in my day to day, through face to face interactions, online or at a grocery store, visiting friends where I meet new friends etc. Through these interactions I participate in getting to know more of the life and story of several who have grown up, at least, on the same earth as me... dwelling in the world to which at some level, I actually belong. So often though, I am beside myself at the lack of confidence I see in others. It deeply saddens me. I've often said, face to face with an individual, “you know, you would do well to wear confidence as a your adornment, on the very outer layer of who you are, so it covers all parts about your amazing self. It would suit you well” I’d say. I have yet to meet someone who is showing a lack of confidence that I think wouldn't look better with the stuff. Seems so easy like “man, just pick somma this stuff up, put it on for size, you’ll get used to it in no time!”. Turns out that ish ain’t that easy.